马士基(MAERSK)航运公司是 A.P. 穆勒——马士基集团的核心班轮运输机构,也是世界领先的集装箱运输公司。马士基(MAERSK)航运公司的船队由 500 多艘集装箱船舶组成,总容量超过 1,700,000 TEU(20英尺标准箱——20 英尺长的集装箱)。
A.P. 穆勒集团公司始建于1904年,创始人是当时年仅28岁的阿诺得穆勒和他的父亲马士基?穆勒。他们从一条载重仅2,200吨的二手汽轮起家。由于经营有方,业务发展很快,目前是世界上最大的船运公司之一。该司总部设在丹麦哥本哈根市的埃斯普拉纳登。该司在世界100多个国家设有325家分支机构。共约有5万名雇,由200余艘船只组成的A.P.穆勒公司船队总吨位约达到10,000,000吨,包括集装箱船、油轮、散货船、特种船、供应船和钻井设备。除了海运业,A.P. 穆勒公司还经营物流、石油和天然气的勘探开发、造船业、航空运输业、工业、零售业以及信息产业。该公司是一间综合性经营的大型跨国集团公司,集团还拥有航空公司和集装箱码头,在丹麦商界和政界均有较大的影响力。
At present, it is one of the world's largest shipping companies. The company is headquartered in Copenhagen, Denmark. The company has 325 branches in more than 100 countries around the world. A.P. Moller employs about 50,000 people and has a fleet of more than 200 vessels with a total tonnage of about 10,000,000 tons, including container ships, oil tankers, bulk carriers, special ships, supply ships and drilling equipment. In addition to shipping, A.P. Moller also engages in logistics, oil and gas exploration and development, shipbuilding, air transport, industry, retail and information industry. The company is a large multinational conglomerate with integrated operations, which also owns airlines and container terminals, and has a great influence in Danish business and politics.
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