达飞轮船中国(船务)有限公司是法国达飞海运集团公司(CMA CGM)在中国设立的外商独资企业。公司作为中国境内主要国际班轮运输经营商,服务网络覆盖中国沿海及内陆地区,截至2006年2月,共拥有9个分公司、51个办事处(总部设在上海),在华员工累计达到850多人;经营航线 25 条,其中包括 6 条欧洲线、3条地中海线、2条非洲线、 6条美洲线、4条澳洲线,其他航线4条;2004年全年在进出口总箱量达102.45万标准箱,每周挂靠上海、宁波、天津、大连、青岛、厦门、深圳、赤湾、香港等中国主要沿海港口。
CMA CGM China (Shipping) Co., Ltd. is a wholly foreign-owned enterprise established by CMA CGM, a French shipping company. As the main international liner shipping operator in China, the service network covers the coastal and inland areas of China. As of February 2006, it has 9 branches, 51 offices (headquartered in Shanghai), and more than 850 employees in China. It operates 25 routes, including 6 European routes, 3 Mediterranean routes, 2 African routes, 6 American routes, 4 Australian routes, and 4 other routes. In 2004, the total import and export volume reached 1,024,500 TEUs, and it anchors at Shanghai, Ningbo, Tianjin, Dalian, Qingdao, Xiamen, Shenzhen, Chiwan, Hong Kong and other major coastal ports in China every week.